
Bay Area Kesem Chapters Move to Online Camp This Summer

Berkeley, CA. Anyone who has watched a loved one battle cancer knows the immense burden it forces upon the entire family. Kesem is a nationwide community dedicated to supporting children through and beyond their parent’s cancer, such as the campers in the photo above. Kesem means “magic” in Hebrew, although the camp is open to any child whose parent has been diagnosed with cancer, regardless of religious or ethnic background. Passionate college students at 132 Kesem chapters nationwide run a free week-long summer camp for kids in this unique position. This year, however, in accordance with Kesem’s national leadership, camp is taking place online for Camp Kesem Berkeley and Stanford.

Camp Kesem Berkeley campers embrace at camp last summer.

When the statewide Shelter-in-Place order went into effect in March, it became increasingly clear that camp could not go on as normal. Individual Kesem chapters and Kesem National had to pivot in order to re-imagine activities for ‘Kesem at Home,’ Kesem’s first ever online program. UC Berkeley Kesem Co-Director Tatum Sandzimier says, “We have … packaged over 150 Kesem at Home kits that include all the supplies necessary to participate in a week of camp.” These kits include t-shirts and friendship bracelet strings, among other interactive supplies, and were mailed to campers’ houses prior to camp. In addition, Kesem Berkeley has contacted each camper’s family to ensure that they have internet and computer access. For those without smart devices, they have provided parents with templates to assist in contacting local schools to borrow computers for their kids use in Kesem At Home.

Two Berkeley counselors pose with a camper during Lake Day 2019.

Stanford’s week ‘Kesem at Home,’ occurred earlier in the summer, and Berkeley’s two weeks began August 1st. Although some classic camp experiences are difficult to replicate online, leadership at Kesem Berkeley and Stanford have invested immense energy into planning fun and interactive activities. Instead of kayaking at Lake Day, throwing paint and colored powder during Messy Olympics, or singing camp songs at Campfire Night, ‘Kesem at Home’ includes activities ranging from “high intensity dance parties … to more emotional sharing sessions,” according to Stanford University student and Co-Director of Camp Kesem Stanford, Sydney Brown.

Like all Kesem counselors nationwide, Brown uses a camp nickname. In her case: Peanut Butter. Berkeley Co-Director Sandzimier says she is involved with Kesem for “The chance to be ‘Big Three’ – the best version of myself.” For many counselors, their camp name is more than a silly word, favorite food, or cartoon character – it is an alter ego, a reminder that their most selfless and joyful self is their camp-self.

Camp Kesem Berkeley nurses and mental health professionals pose on the recreation field at camp during Summer 2019.

Kesem is more than just a one week-long camp; it is a year-round community. ‘Kesem By Your Side’ is a program started by Kesem student leaders at Cal to stay in touch with their campers during the school year. They do this through letters, as well as phone and video calls. Stanford Kesem implemented a similar ‘Pen-pal’ program this year, which Brown says has been “hugely popular.”

Camp Kesem Berkeley’s largest annual fundraiser, Make the Magic, was supposed to happen March 14th but was canceled just days prior due to the pandemic. The Make the Magic gala normally helps CK Berkeley raise over half of its annual fundraising goal. Although that wasn’t possible this year, Berkeley was still able to support nearby Kesem chapters in fundraising for their ‘Kesem at Home’ programs – in addition to planning their own.

Berkeley counselors pose with a camper during ‘Pajama Breakfast.’ (Summer 2019)

According to Sandzimier, “Kesem has shown me the power of love, community, and vulnerability. It has given me my best friends, [and] biggest role models.” Ask any college student who has been to Kesem and you will likely hear a similar story of praise. Brown remarked, “Kesem balances love with light in a delicate way – it’s truly unlike any other community in the world.” That duality is exactly what makes Kesem so special. Kids are allowed to be kids and forge deep and lasting relationships with each other simply through the common hardships they have endured. Kesem isn’t a normal summer camp, and it certainly isn’t a counseling group; it is a community where love and understanding grow organically and abundantly. The name ‘Kesem’ seems apt considering the magical impact it has on both kids and counselors’ lives.

Campers line up by unit at Stanford Kesem during camp last summer.

  • To fundraise or donate to Kesem, click here.
  • To get involved, click here.
  • If you are a college student interested in joining Kesem, click here.

Disclosure: The author of this story, Satchi Metaxas, has been a camper at Camp Kesem Berkeley for the past decade.

From Camp Kesem: Kesem is a nationwide community, driven by passionate college student leaders, that supports children through and beyond their parent’s cancer. Kesem is the largest national organization dedicated to supporting children impacted by a parent’s cancer, at no cost to families. Our innovative and fun-filled programs provide children with peers who understand their unique needs, and create long-lasting impact.

Here’s a video about the program:

  • 99% of parents feel their child benefited from attending Kesem. 
  • 98% of parents would recommend Kesem to other families impacted by cancer.
  • 96% of parents intend to send their child back to Kesem each year.
  • 86% agree their child seems more confident in their ability to address their cancer experience after Kesem.
Satchi Metaxas

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